About the Authors

Marianne with her dog Harley

Marianne Matzo earned her PhD (1996) in Gerontology. As a certified nurse practitioner in oncology and palliative care, she dedicated her 44-year career in nursing to pain and symptom management for people living with incurable illnesses. A retired university professor, Marianne is now focusing on community education regarding dying and death. This book is the latest creative project on which Marianne and Darlene have collaborated during their 60-year friendship.

Darlene Domanik, JD (1982) is a retired environmental lawyer and childcare advocate. In retirement she owned/managed two childcare facilities serving approximately 500 children. A child at heart, she can entertain an entire room full of toddlers with nothing other than a blanket. She is presently a meditation teacher, artist, and community activist in her hometown of Brighton, Michigan.

Darlene Domanik
Read about the 60-year friendship between Marianne and Darlene:

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